Include button for file manager in header for every new created user.

Is this possible?
Because my users are not allowed in the dashboard, but I want them to access the file manager from the header bar, which they can only see by enabling it themselves in the dashboard, but they're not allowed in it... so it's a vicious loop.

Any solution to this? or just another way of firing up the file manager without accessing the dashboard (and not screwing the formatting open in it in a new blank page)?
The only solution I have right now is enabling access to dashboard, check the "Include button for file manager in header" button, then restricting access to dashboard again.
There's got to be another way...

Thanks for your help.

GBNT replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, I think by editing the controller.php in concrete>elements>header_menu>filemanager I finally managed to do this.

If there's another way of doing it without editing this file I would still like to know.
tacktack replied on at Permalink Reply

I have the same problem. Can you share your work to add a button in header_menu for file manager ?

Thank you,
tacktack replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I found the solution.

You must indicate permission for each element of dasboard in the site map (see the system pages). In this case only the file manager is available from the publisher for a dashboard button.

I hope this will help you.

The result in image.