include content within content, best way pls?
Hi all,
I have some large content areas on my build that I would like to insert or add small snippets of code that I centrally manage. An advert button for instance, snippet of html link and an image. Peppered about my site but within other content so not easy to add as a block under a block, more like a snippet to add to a big content block.
I thought scrapbook but I would like the ability to update it in one place and all instances of it also update.
Does that make sense? Now a PHP include would do this but is there a better way to handle it in C5? Any help would be cool and much appreciated.
I have some large content areas on my build that I would like to insert or add small snippets of code that I centrally manage. An advert button for instance, snippet of html link and an image. Peppered about my site but within other content so not easy to add as a block under a block, more like a snippet to add to a big content block.
I thought scrapbook but I would like the ability to update it in one place and all instances of it also update.
Does that make sense? Now a PHP include would do this but is there a better way to handle it in C5? Any help would be cool and much appreciated.

Have a look at concrete5 'stack' functionality. And if you want to add raw PHP I think there's an add-on in the marketplace that will parse your code for you - as if it was pulled in as an include.
ah cool, I use stacks a lot and the're great for adding whole seperate blocks but did'nt think of pulling it into other content with PHP, thanks for the tip that sounds promising, at least the content can still remain editable in C5 which is one up from a PHP include. I'll have a hunt about for that, cheers formigo.