Including a new custom class - Class Not Found issue

Hi everyone! I'm very new to Concrete5 and I'm building my first theme. I'm trying to include a custom class that I have placed at \Application\Src\Derp\Derp.php. Here are its contents:

namespace Application\Src\Derp;
use Concrete\Core\Database\Connection\Connection;
class Derp
    return 'Hello';

From my theme page, I am attempting to call my class like so:

use Application\Src\Derp;
$derp = new Derp();

I'm sure it's some kind of issue with namespacing or referencing the class' location, but after an hour of trying, I'm ready to ask for help! Thank you!

hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I believe you need to use it with

use Application\Src\Derp\Derp;