Input forms on custom attributes

I am looking for feedback on the 'correctness' of my approach here. First, I will describe what the goal is:

Using the eCommerce Package, I want to add an attribute type of "Review", which when displayed on the front end is an input form for users to type up their review of a product. There will be an additional new attribute type of "Reviews" which will be a collection of "Review" entries, and will display itself as non-editable reviews by other users.

I am going to worry about the collection of reviews type later, and for now just make a bogus single review form to test my understanding.

I have created the Review attribute, installed it, added it to the product page view, and now I run into a question about the correctness of how to proceed:

I modified getDisplayValue() just to see what would happen:
public function getDisplayValue() {
      $v = Loader::helper('text')->entities($this->getValue());
      $ret = nl2br($v);
      $return = "<form><textarea name='review'>$ret</textarea><input type='submit' value='Submit Review'/> </form>";
      return $return;

Which, from a purely visual standpoint starts me on the right road of creating the review form for users.
But I start to think about where that form posts to, and where i implement the post-handling, and I'm not sure about this approach.

Is there a more concrete-5 way to do this? is there supposed to be certain controller functions i should set up to handle this data type?

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