Inserting PHP Content
I'm thinking about using "Podcast Generator" in an existing C5 site. The off-the-shelf index page included with it works OK for my purposes. I have inserted the Podcast Generator index page in a "Dynamic IFrame" block and it works pretty well inside my C5 theme with a few issues.
My question is: does this sound like the best approach? Are there reasons to avoid IFrames? My PHP & CSS skills are pretty minimal. Is there a more straight forward method I should try for placing the Podcast Generator code into my theme? Thanks for any insight.
My question is: does this sound like the best approach? Are there reasons to avoid IFrames? My PHP & CSS skills are pretty minimal. Is there a more straight forward method I should try for placing the Podcast Generator code into my theme? Thanks for any insight.
Thanks for reply growthcurve,
I'm afraid I'm lacking some basic php competence to sort this out on my own. I've actually tried inserting the code in a "Simple PHP Block" but I think I'm having path issues. I have the "Podcast Generator" package in its own folder ("/podcast"). I've tried copying its index.php code into the Simple PHP Block without success. I did remove the opening and closing php tags. I've gotten a little farther by editing all absolute paths to include the "/podcast" path - but then the Podcast Generator script tries to go into config mode - looking for a setup directory. It's probably tough to help without seeing how the Podcast Generator script is supposed to work.
It's frustrating since I can run the Podcast Generator script fine on its own or within an IFrame. I would just like to get into a block within my C5 structure and theme. Maybe it would be better to just style the Podcast Generator skin to look like my theme if it's too convoluted to insert it in C5?
I'm afraid I'm lacking some basic php competence to sort this out on my own. I've actually tried inserting the code in a "Simple PHP Block" but I think I'm having path issues. I have the "Podcast Generator" package in its own folder ("/podcast"). I've tried copying its index.php code into the Simple PHP Block without success. I did remove the opening and closing php tags. I've gotten a little farther by editing all absolute paths to include the "/podcast" path - but then the Podcast Generator script tries to go into config mode - looking for a setup directory. It's probably tough to help without seeing how the Podcast Generator script is supposed to work.
It's frustrating since I can run the Podcast Generator script fine on its own or within an IFrame. I would just like to get into a block within my C5 structure and theme. Maybe it would be better to just style the Podcast Generator skin to look like my theme if it's too convoluted to insert it in C5?
Did you ever solve this issue? I'm desperate to move from 5.6 to 5.8 and podcasting is my only reason for not making the jump.
Did you ever solve this issue? I'm desperate to move from 5.6 to 5.8 and podcasting is my only reason for not making the jump.
Here's how I would do this:
1. Install this FREE addon, called "PHP block":
2. Insert my php code into the php block.
3. In the Page properties, under "Header Extra Content", I would paste my CSS code there.
I hope this helps?