Install Library File From Package?

I've searched high and low, and I just can't find how to install a file to the "libraries" folder from a package. I have my package created and it mirrors the C5 directory structure, but nothing I've tried works. Or at least I don't think it's working. The package entry is made in the database, and the UI indicates it's installed, but the file itself doesn't get copied to the libraries directory. That _is_ what's supposed to happen, isn't it? Maybe my expectations are wrong?

Any help appreciated,


Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah, you're expectation are off. it's not suppose to get copied anywhere. all the file from a package should stay within that package. so if you have a file here:


then you'd include it like this:

Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply
I see! Thanks! So then, the "blocks" directory in the C5 root is _only_ for manually installed blocks? And nothing from a package ever gets copied anywhere during installation? That _really_ helps my understanding of C5 quite a bit! :-)

Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply
So then I guess it follows that the "libraries" directory in the C5 root (as well as the other directories that mirror the concrete directory) are intended strictly for private use -- i.e. not for files that you plan to distribute?
