Installing 2 C5 sites in single database & firefox issue

I am a 3 week C5 noob, and has just recently completed a project for a client. My questions are;

Q1: I was wondering if it is possible to install 2 C5 sites (1 in root, 1 in subdomain) in a single database? This is because my client's webhosting price plan only offer 1 MySQL database. Since the C5 install does not allow custom prefix on the database table like Wordpress, is it possible to do so manually?? or is there any other way around this? I need to work on the 2nd site after this & since im happy workin on C5, I'm thinking of using C5 again as the 2nd site for my client in his subdomain.

Q2: On the completed C5 site that I've mentioned, I used Drop Down Auto Nav Menu from

The problem is the drop down menus work well in Google Chrome & IE, but not on Firefox and Flock.

Is there any way to get around this? I am not sure if it is the CSS's fault or not but I had run W3C CSS Validation Service, but found no critical errors. Feel free to test the menus of my test site -

Please advice and thanks in advance
