installing a bank gateway or using credit cards.

SOS. trying to build my own web site from the tutorials on Blue host. I have installed an ecommerence add on and I have the code number for my bank gateway. I don't know where to enter the Gate way code number to make it all come together

TooqInc replied on at Permalink Reply
e-Comm only carries Paypal and gateways by default, otherwise, you'll need a gateway add-on from the marketplace. If you don't see an add-on for your gateway, you can write one (or hire someone to do so) or change your payment processor.

What payment processor are you using?
ruthholz replied on at Permalink Reply
thank you so much for replying.
My gateway is with 5/3 bank. So your are saying that if I want to continue to use 5/3 bank then I need to purchase an add on from the market place that will allow me to connect my web page to my bank.
TooqInc replied on at Permalink Reply
That's correct. I don't see an add-on for 5/3 though.
ruthholz replied on at Permalink Reply
If I use say pay pal, then how will I get the money for purchases?
TooqInc replied on at Permalink Reply
Paypal is included by default with the eComm module. You can go through the setup from within your Concrete5 site and Paypal.

As you collect payments using Paypal, you simply transfer the money on Paypal's site.

That being said, I wouldn't use Paypal unless I was sure I could money out on a daily basis. If they ever suspend your account, it can take months to even find out why, much less get it released.

If you're based in the US or Canada, we're a Beanstream Channel Partner. If you sign up through us, I'll grant you a couple of free licences to the gateway we created. PM for details if you're interested.