Installing blocks and add-ons in 8.2 under XAMPP
I have made a clean install of 8.2 on my own PC running under XAMPP. Installation was not without issue as no ConcreteCoreEntity files installed into the folder C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete5JUL2017\concrete5-8.2.0\application\config\doctrine\proxies and I had to copy individual files over from a live 8.1 site I run. I can't be certain that I have copied all the files I need, nor do I / can I know whether 8.2 should install newer versions of any of these files. I simply copied the files the system told me I was missing until I stopped getting those messages and the site ran.
Apart from that, the site appears to be running correctly, but I cannot install add-ons or themes. I have previously seen that themes and add-ons need to be added manually when running a site under XAMPP, and this I have done before by following the instructions - downloading, unzipping and placing in the packages folder. However on this new installation, when I do that and go to "Add Functionality" in the dashboard, whilst the add-ons appear as "Awaiting Installation" the button alongside them reads "Download" and not "Install". Clicking on the button produces the message "Can't download" and I'm stuck.
Can anyone suggest a way round this? Might it be a missing file in the config folder ( see above) in which case which file or files? Or is there something else I'm missing?
Any suggestions gratefully received
Apart from that, the site appears to be running correctly, but I cannot install add-ons or themes. I have previously seen that themes and add-ons need to be added manually when running a site under XAMPP, and this I have done before by following the instructions - downloading, unzipping and placing in the packages folder. However on this new installation, when I do that and go to "Add Functionality" in the dashboard, whilst the add-ons appear as "Awaiting Installation" the button alongside them reads "Download" and not "Install". Clicking on the button produces the message "Can't download" and I'm stuck.
Can anyone suggest a way round this? Might it be a missing file in the config folder ( see above) in which case which file or files? Or is there something else I'm missing?
Any suggestions gratefully received
I'd be trying to get a clean installation going first. I installed concrete5-8.2.0RC2 in XAMPP on Windows without any problems, and I've been manually installing packages into it.
I'd agree Gondwana, and thanks for responding, but how does one know one has a clean install? I don't think I've ever been successful in doing that in XAMPP and have had to copy missing files on several previous occasions. So this time when getting the message that a file was missing, then copying them over from another site, seemed to do the job, and even now I don't get an error message - it simply isn't manually installing add-ons as it should.
Any suggestions as to how to get a clean install, given that my htdocs folder includes a couple of earlier Concrete5 installations?
Any suggestions as to how to get a clean install, given that my htdocs folder includes a couple of earlier Concrete5 installations?
There should be no requirement to copy files from other installs and this may certainly cause you issues.
Are you permissions set up correctly on:
I run concrete5 locally on xampp and have no issues.
Are you permissions set up correctly on:
I run concrete5 locally on xampp and have no issues.
Perhaps there's been a fix in a more recent version of c5. I used 8.2RC2 in XAMPP. You can get the latest release candidate from Be aware that such versions may not be suitable for live sites (but probably are), and may not have elegant upgrade paths (but probably will). Still, it might be worth trying an installation just to see if it makes any difference.
Thanks Gondwana. I actually used the file downloaded from the C5 site as it appears to be the first full release of 8.2 I'm going to try a fresh install, but I wonder whether XAMPP itself might be the issue. I wonder if anyone has tried UNISERVER and whether that might be more stable?
It's definitely not XAMPP (or at least the version I'm using). I've installed many versions of c5 on XAMPP on Windows with no issues at all (although you do have to watch the case sensitivity of MySQL/MariaDB).
I did sort this out eventually. I have never been able to install add-ons or themes directly from Concrete's server but have always had to download and install manually. That's never been an issue until 8.2. I have found though that if I download and unzip the files into a directory outside Concrete5 and then copy that folder across to the packages folder they appear as ready to install, and then install without a problem. However if I unzip the downloaded files directly to the packages folder (which is what I was doing to start with, and I think worked fine in earlier versions) they appear in the add-ons screen but tell me they need to be downloaded, and then of course don't download - a somewhat circular issue, and where I started this conversation.
I do find XAMPP and Concrete5 very slow to load so there must be a problem, perhaps with my PC which is quite old, but 8.2 does work for me with Windows 10
I do find XAMPP and Concrete5 very slow to load so there must be a problem, perhaps with my PC which is quite old, but 8.2 does work for me with Windows 10