Integrating SAML instead of OpenID

I'm just throwing this out there but I've recently been asked about creating a members area using SAML 2.0 as the sign on. The client has their own LDAP, SAML service that they currently use and have stated that it would be a "nice to have" feature.

Has anyone explored this at all. I would guess it is somewhat similar to OpenID with a few modifications but it is definitely not in my area.

I've briefly looked at simplesamlphp ( and onelogin php saml toolkit ( as a starting point but would appreciate some assistance if anyone has tried.

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
we're just wrapping this up for a client, it should be in the marketplace by this time next week.
yukon replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you manage to get this into the marketplace. I did a quick search with no luck.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
it is not in the MP yet
Fernandos replied on at Permalink Reply
Did the project fail or got cancelled or don't you have the rights on it to publish it to the Marketplace?

I'm not a fan of SAML2, but a fan of security.
What happened with this?

Sorry for ressurrecting this thread.
pburgo replied on at Permalink Reply
Any plans on releasing this into the Marketplace. I will soon be in need of a single sign on solution.