Intranet project
Hi everyone! We have just finished building a office intranet with c5 and now want to take its functionality further. We are looking at taking some of our office tasks away from spreadsheets and onto online forms. Im looking for some one to point me in the right direction (tutorials, books to read! etc) to help me build two things:
1 - "job booker calander" We need a personal calender for each user to inform them of when they are booked on jobs, but a admin needs to be able to search against all users calenders to see whos free when and then edit their calender to "book them", automatic email being sent out with the details of the booking would also be good!
2 - a way to work on excel spreadsheets collaboratively from within concrete5.
I have experience with coding, I just dont know a large amount of php, acouple of hints or tutorials on how to get started would really help!
Cheers everyone!
1 - "job booker calander" We need a personal calender for each user to inform them of when they are booked on jobs, but a admin needs to be able to search against all users calenders to see whos free when and then edit their calender to "book them", automatic email being sent out with the details of the booking would also be good!
2 - a way to work on excel spreadsheets collaboratively from within concrete5.
I have experience with coding, I just dont know a large amount of php, acouple of hints or tutorials on how to get started would really help!
Cheers everyone!
My clients all work with Excel in their offices, but we manage the data on the server in MySQL. If they need to get the data off the server and back into Excel, there are some excellent Excel libraries. My favorite is Pear Excel Writer:
I think if would be easy to integrate Pear Excel Writer into a custom concrete app.
I think if would be easy to integrate Pear Excel Writer into a custom concrete app.
As for #2, here's something to consider: Microsoft is launching Office 2010, and with it in the next month or so a FREE online version to compete with Google Docs. I don't know how exactly they're going to have it configured but you may want to consider simply having external links to this or loading it in an iframe.