Is C5 right for my project

Hi one and all.

Im a Jnr Web Designer, that is to say, Im a web designer ona very low salary aha. I found out about Concrete 5 via a work mate and it got me really pumped up.
Our boss wanted all of the web team to start making wordpress sites, as they are cheap and easy to throw up. The team was quick to point out that wordpress is alot of extra word for the end user to have things edited compared to C5.

This got me thinking.
I will be launching a new site this summer, called MakeMusicNotMoney and I have some features that I think C5 would be great for, but im just not sure if they can be done(due to lack of experience with php)
So I am hoping you guys can tell me if C5 is the platform to use, or if its better simply doing it all some other way.

I need the following:
A user login - so members of the site can login and post comments.
A user forum - makes use of the user login
Mp3 upload - so artists can upload their own songs
Post archeive - I am planning on writing posts about albums, bands, news ect - I need a way of these being saved on the server so users can look back on them and search for them

I know all of these seems like it can be done, just with php. But as someone who knows next to nothing of PHP (front end dev) I am hoping that C5 will be able to atleast make these things a little bit more easy :)

- I forgot to mention that I will be writing a concrete 5 dev diary, its nothing major but if all goes to plan it could and will hopefully win over some wordpress users ;-)

TooqInc replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Concrete5, with some add-ons or custom code, could do all of the above.

- User log-in is built into core and is a couple of setting toggles in the dashboard. No coding required (though you may want to enable advanced permissions, easy stuff).

- User Forum - There is an add-on for this that works very well and can be setup within minutes. There are some third party pieces that could be integrated pretty easily too.

- MP3 upload - Depends what you're looking to do with this when they are uploaded, but uploading can be done for sure.

- Post Archive: this sounds like a blog add-on or Composer would do the trick for you.

Concrete5 makes it pretty easy to bite off a suitable amount to chew and work your way up as you increase your knowledge. I didn't know anything about HTML, PHP, or CSS 18 months ago, but jumped in and haven't ruined anything permanently yet.

If you do get stuck, the forums are excellent at providing help.

Good luck!
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
Concrete5 does has a discussion forum that they sell that isn't too bad.

"Mp3 upload - so artists can upload their own songs" <- this with the forum request makes me feel like you are going for a user generated content type site. In general concrete5 isn't knee deep in social site type stuff.

With experience you can get it to do that type of stuff, but it's not really the strong suit right now. I'm not sure if this would be a lot of fun for someone just starting out on the platform.

Either way, best of luck.
Ocelot replied on at Permalink Reply
hi guys

thanks for the replies and great advice.
I don't want the site to be social driven, however I do want to let users comment on the site's articles.

Ill take all of the above and tell you how it goes :)