Is concrete5 a good solution for this website?

I'm trying to redesign a local foods website that has grown larger than I imagined it would.
Mostly the pages on it consist of vendor listings such as this one:
It has grown too cluttered, so I may make the entries look more like this:

Because I'm now including a batcheo map (and don't want to have a duplicate set of data which must be kept up to date), I'm thinking using some sort of CMS.
Ideally, there would be one set of data and it could get automatically formatted into the map or into the individual entries. Since I'm completely new to this, before I waste a lot of time learning concrete5, I thought I would ask: is concrete5 a good solution to this? If not, can someone recommend another solution that would work better?

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
I dont see anything that would trouble C5, I think your new Vendor listing style would be easily achievable with the pagelist block, just a case of creating a pagetype that carries a thumbnail, or even use the blog pages available by default.

To be honest dont know much about Batchgeo, so cant really comment on that aspect, but looking at the rest of the site, I dont think you would have any problems using C5.
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
I see you also said that you are new to Concrete5, I think its a really easy CMS to get to grips with, the learning curve for theming is very slight, to get started I would recommend, setting up a local instal, then dissecting the "greek Yoghurt" theme, to check out the structure and get use to what files are called what files are essential etc.

Here are some resources for you:

Hope that helps.
MikeMoskos replied on at Permalink Reply
I should add that I may have to use multiple sets of data since I need fields for say, farmers' markets that don't apply to others, say a list of farms or beef vendors. With, you simply copy and paste data from a spreadsheet and it constructs the map. (I'm OK with having to copy and paste into it every time there is a change.)

Right now the website is done in Freeway, hosted on