Is it possible to add new block areas?

Is it possible to add new block areas?
I made a simple sidebar with HTML, But now i want to add a tumblr feed block to it, Can i make a new block area? And how?
I´m from the Netherlands, So sorry for my English!

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
You should be able to insert this code into your Page Type to create a new Area

$a = new Area('Sidebar');
Akaluuk replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the response! But, oops! I am a starter in C5! Where exactly do i have to paste it in? the Concrete>Page_Types map only shows 'blog_entry.php'
Or am I doing it wrong?
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
You will need to do this within your site's files by using FTP to access the files inside of the /themes folder, it can not be done through the Dashboard.
Akaluuk replied on at Permalink Reply
I use filezilla, but, Where exactly do i have to go to? Didn't found the page type file!
hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Depending on what theme you are using you should either be able to go into /themes/blog_entry.php or /packages/theme_name/themes/theme_name/blog_entry.php if you site only has the one Page Type you might need to add it in the default.php