Is it possible to allow file access only to members of a certain group?

I've created a page that is only viewable by users of a certain group. In that page, there are a couple of links to download files. If the user logs out and enters the URL of the file in the browser, the file is accessible. Is there a way to make the files accessible only to members of a certain group?

I know I can set a password for each file but when people login to access a page and then have to enter another password to access the files, that doesn't seem too user friendly.

A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Yup, you need to put the files in a 'file set' and then adjust its permissions to whatever you wish. By default files don't belong to a file set.
BlueFractals replied on at Permalink Reply
I already have the files in a file set but how do I set permissions to the file set so that only the users of a certain group can access the files within it?

I am using C5 version 5.5.1.
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
You need to have advanced permissions enabled to set file set permissions.

May I also suggest an upgrade to and then on to
BlueFractals replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I was trying to upgrade and am having issues. Feel free to comment if you know how to resolve these upgrade issues: