Is it possible to remove the exclude from nav attribute on a custom autonav?

I am using two different auto-navs on a site. There are pages that have the attribute 'exclude from nav' as I want these hidden from the main navigation. However, I have a second custom autonav that I've created. I want this nav to ignore the 'exclude from nav' attribute and show all the pages.

Is there something I can add to my custom nav to tell it to disregard 'exclude from nav'?


Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you familar with custom block templates?
hollyb replied on at Permalink Reply
Somewhat. I've created a custom block for this autonav. It's a way for a user to drop a tertiary nav within the content of the page. What I don't understand is how to disregard 'exclude from nav' programatically. I know this is possible, I'm just not sure of the code needed. Do you have any tips?
hollyb replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
OK - I found a solution to this. In my custom auto-nav implementation, I changed the $exclude_page = true; in the following code to "false":
if ($_c->getAttribute('exclude_nav') && ($current_level <= $excluded_parent_level)) {
      $excluded_parent_level = $current_level;
      $exclude_page = true;
   } else if (($current_level > $excluded_parent_level) || ($current_level > $exclude_children_below_level)) {
      $exclude_page = true;

This probably isn't the most elegant solution - but it seems to work for my purposes.
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Modifying the block template is the way to go. You could have removed a few more lines instead of changes that variable but that's fine too..