Is there a limit to the number of blocks used in an area?
I'm converting a bootstrap theme I purchased into a C5 theme and I'm wondering if there is an optimal number of blocks I should stick to for each Area I have on my page.
Currently I just have the standard "Header Nav", "Main" and "Footer" areas on my theme's default.php. The theme I'm converting has multiple sections that I'm using the Designer Block to create custom blocks for, as I work through it I'm just wondering if maybe it would be more stable to create multiple areas with fewer blocks rather than just a single area with many blocks.
Any thoughts from an experienced theme builder?
I'm converting a bootstrap theme I purchased into a C5 theme and I'm wondering if there is an optimal number of blocks I should stick to for each Area I have on my page.
Currently I just have the standard "Header Nav", "Main" and "Footer" areas on my theme's default.php. The theme I'm converting has multiple sections that I'm using the Designer Block to create custom blocks for, as I work through it I'm just wondering if maybe it would be more stable to create multiple areas with fewer blocks rather than just a single area with many blocks.
Any thoughts from an experienced theme builder?

You can add an unlimited amount of blocks to each area. For organizational purposes, you could always add more areas. Or, you could always create a layout, which will generate more "sub-areas".
Only thing I'd add to what @growthcurve said. Core team have expressed a preference for not too many areas in PRB submitted themes. So my inference is that more areas with fewer blocks has more of an impact on site load times than more blocks in fewer areas.
That aside you can do as you please.
That aside you can do as you please.
Thanks for your feedback gents. I guess I'll stick with fewer Areas and more Blocks for now then. Seems like that is the preferred method.