is there a way to add thumbnail navigation?

I'm useing the auto nav right now for my website and wanted to know if there is a way to setup so i could still do - Display pages beneath a particular page - Pages should appear in alphabetical order, but add thumbnails and leave the tital of the page (being able to organise in rows would be a plus). I didt see any apps that would do this but i could be wrong. please help i could really use this for my site.

myFullFlavour replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm sure this could be developed as an add-on package. Suggest you post to the jobs board.
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
I think there are a couple of drop down menus that can be purchased from the marketplace. I would look at getting one of those and then adding a page thumbnail attribute to the menu.

Its a sucker fish add on I think.

If you take a look through the thumbnail page list template you could take bits from that.

I dont know about the alphabetical order bit but that should be something you can do from the autonav block?
ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
So your wanting to add images to a nav and have a drop down?

You don't need to purchase an addon from the MP all you need is a custom template for the auo-nav.

PM me your requirements and we can go from their. :-)
pwn137 replied on at Permalink Reply
hey is is a link to one of the pages i want to change my website is for coral id and its just getting started i like the auto nav i have now it puts eveything in order for me automaticly but the issue is this site is mainly for people trying to figure out the name/care tips for what coral they might of picked up from the store (most saltwater aquarium stores are not good at propper lables for corals). as far as look it need's it to look like say a thumbnail photo gallery that automaticly make pages beneath a particular page show up in alphabetical order to make my life much easyer when adding new page's. to add pictures to links and making sure they are all in order would take a ton of extra time when there are hundreds of diffrent corals. thanks for any help you can give me on this.

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
You might actually want to use the Page List block instead of Autonav for this. There's a free addon in the marketplace for showing thumbnails in the page list block: