Is there a way to set permissions for a user not in a group

I have a membership site with allot of users and I was wonder if there was a way to display a block to users who are registered but not registered in the other custom groups that they would have to pay for

So that I could display a message like "you are currently not in a group"

I've been searching for some way to do this but I don't think there is unless I am able to change groups on user time out but that doesn't seem possible yet

goldhat replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm sure there is a way programmatically but I'm not sure about a setting or block that would do this. As an option could you make a group like "Unassigned" and put everybody in it that doesn't have another group yet, and then show that block to them? You would have to manually add/remove them though so it doesn't seem ideal, that's the best I've got right now though.
SheldonB replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah that wont work im 200+ members and growing

I keep running into things about 5.7 that sounds like this might be easier to do - but i was wondering if there was something I could try now .. like a "custom group expiration"

Its a not an "I need thing" just something that could be really help full
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
With Magic Data you can count the number of groups.
The results will be:
Guests = 1
Registered users (includes Guest) = 2
Administrators (includes Guest and Registered Users) = 3

So if you want both Guests and Registered Users to get the message:
SET "You are not in any special groups"

If you only want Registered Users not in other groups to get the message:
SET "You are not in any special groups"
SheldonB replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey John thanks for the help it works !