Issue with multiple autonav blocks on the same page.

I have hunted far and wide, but cannot sem to find any information on my problem. Hopefully there is an easy fix and I was just looking in the wrong places. I have a site that has 2 different autonav blocks in the header. I used the method of displaying beneath a certain page to get the 2 nav blocks to display completely different pages. I did this by creating a page called nav1 and another called nav2 with the respective pages cloned underneath. Everything is actually working perfectly, but I now have an unwanted /nav1/ and /nav2/ in my url's and the client is not happy. Is there ANY way to remove them? This is my first time using c5 (loving it) and I spent 2 days getting this autonav to work right...I really do not want to go back to a hard coded nav. Any help is appreciated. Here is a link to the site on my staging server:


irsah replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi Jahnratty,

Have you tried 301 redirects in htaccess files? Bacause the .../nav1/about-us page is also using the ".../about-us" page else well. Redirect that page to the ones that's used (incl others).

There's also the 301 manager in Marketplace for concrete5 and let's you manage all url's for your pages.

Normally for sub-pages i use the page list block (with custom templates that only displays page titles) and display what ever pages in my sitemap required, for a selected attribute, for more page display/link control.

Hope it helps.

BTW: You can actually rearrange the pages in sitemap so you can easily target your links to display (using the autonav option) say;

AUTONAV 1 (display top pages setting)
- Home
- About Us
- Contact
- Inquiries

AUTONAV 2 (display pages underneath setting + exclude this page
from nav)
- Some Folder (use attribute replace link with first in nav)
- Loan
- How to Get Loan
- Here's The Loan
- More Loan
- Ask for Loan

From the top of my head...
jhanratty replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks irsah!
I edited my htaccess file and it worked like a charm!!!!!!
irsah replied on at Permalink Reply
You're welcome.. glad ti help out.