Issue with Page type. Strange error?

So to note, this is the first time I've worked within the depths of C5. Used to do edits and content population so somewhat familiar but this is my first with database setup, install etc etc. The theme itself was pre-built which is what I believe is leading to my problem.

As a quick summary, - this server crashed and needed to be transferred to a new servers. Its up sometimes but down most of it, as of now its live so hopefully you wonderful people will see what im blabbering about.

During an "up" time I was able to rip the entire directory out through FTP (didnt have access to originals, long story)which gave me the theme, images and content but not the database.

Fast forward, with some help Ive got everything up and mid construction at:

Everything has been going okay with the first two (three total) page types. Upon adding a new page and assigning it the page type of "product" I get this error:

I combed through the product.php file looking for any code that looked different than the others and got this :
<?php if ($thumb) { echo '<div style="text-align: center"><img src="', $thumb->src, '" width="', $thumb->width, '" height="', $thumb->height, '" /></div>'; } ?>
<?php $a = new Area('Sidebar'); $a->display($c); ?>

Would anything in there create this kind of error?

The page thats broken, when working, should look like this:

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!~

bwints replied on at Permalink Reply

Took a round about way to get there but deductive reasoning paid off. First I found this:

Which was semi-helpful in an indirect way. None of my code called a specific db, but was calling on
$file = $c->getAttribute('product_image');

Due to the circumstances behind me learning this on the fly, I was unaware as to how this was pieced together, so upon building the "product.php" pages, I was not assigning the custom attribute: product_image nor had I created it.

Upon creating the attribute and assigning it to the appropriate page, voila.

I dare say Im getting the hang of this... the problem solving part that is.