Issue with Tool inside of Package

I am attempting to make a package that will contain a tool that will be called on attribute update.

My folder structure is as follows:

I am using getToolsURL() to get the URL of my tool.
$url = Loader::helper('concrete/urls');
$tools_url = $url->getToolsURL('mytool','my_custom_attribute');

The value of $tools_url is:

When I go to that URL there is no output. Despite /packages/mycustomattribute/tools/mytool.php containing nothing more than "HELLO?". Why does the tool inside my package not work?

WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
Make sure you have the file and mapnames right.
I see underscore _ differences in your folder structure and the output of $tools_url.

Why not go with namespacing

I have a 'tool' in:
namespace Concrete\Package\Mypkg\Src;
class Tool extends \Database {
   public static function sayHello() {
      return 'hello';

I include it in my controllers with:
use Concrete\Package\Mypkg\Src\Tool as Tool;

then I can do:
echo Tool::sayHello();