Java script not working - Easy peasy!

Could someone please please please tell me why NONE of my js is working for the page below?

This is driving me nuts. All I did was to copy the content of individual blocks (including associated js) to a single block. The new block works fine but not the js within the block. (This is all the content below the full-width header image btw)

For example, the google popup map on right hand side opens in new page not popup; and the form below the map is normally hidden until button is clicked...

Thanks in advance

Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Couple of things to do first.

Close the style tag, missing quote:
<a class="button expand popup-gmaps" style="margin-bottom:0px !Important; "href="">View full map</a>

Remove end tag after the 'x':
<button title="Close" class="mfp-close"><class="mfp-close-icn">x</></button>

Close id, missing quote:
<label><input type="checkbox" name="perm_email" id="perm_email "value="0" />Please DO NOT send me occasional updates and offers via email</label>

Then see if that helps with a css file call missing and 'magnificPopup' javascript function.
PJSAndo replied on at Permalink Reply
Think I've done that, but still not working.
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, Away until the 10th September 2015
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
None of your popups work because they rely on a script called magnificpopup that comes bundled with Concrete5 but you are not loading it so when it's called it just throws an error
PJSAndo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi mnakalay,

Thanks for your reply.

I'm sure this is straight forward, but how can I load the script?
PJSAndo replied on at Permalink Reply
I put this towards the end of the file but didn't work.
<script src="" type="text/javascript">
PJSAndo replied on at Permalink Reply
Still struggling with this. Any ideas very very much welcome :)
PJSAndo replied on at Permalink Reply
So I managed to get this working.

I was using cloudfare as a cdn. Although I had set cloudfare to Developer mode (essentially bypassing their cache) it must have still be affecting (I assume running on load) the java script.

To get cloudfare to ignore the js I put this

into the tag like so
<script data-cfasync="false" type="text/javascript">
Some js

The page now seems to work fine. Fingers crossed!
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Was not working for me earlier, seems you managed to put the js in 'applications' folder now.

Seems to work okay.

However you still have a couple of element issues:
<label><input style="padding-left:0.5rem; padding-right:0.5rem;"type="checkbox" name="perm_email" id="perm_email "value="0" />No email updates thanks</label>
                           <label><input style="padding-left:0.5rem; padding-right:0.5rem;"type="checkbox" name="" value="" required>Are you human?</label>
PJSAndo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Steevb,
Thanks for your reply. Spaces and positioning of quotations?
PJSAndo replied on at Permalink Reply
ah, and the

Thanks again.
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, Away until the 10th September 2015
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, Away until the 10th September 2015
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, Away until the 10th September 2015
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, Away until the 10th September 2015
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, Away until the 10th September 2015
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, Away until the 10th September 2015
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, Away until the 10th September 2015