javascript:avoid(0) in autonav

Hi folks,

i'm building this site with bootstrap theme. And I just added autonav block for it.
Everythin is working ok but somehow my 1st level menu links with 2nd level under them do not work at all. I just got javascript:avoid(0) in browser. Menu links without 2nd level work ok.

What I have done wrong?? This is the first time this happens to me.


Here's part of the code:

//*** Step 2 of 2: Output menu HTML ***/
echo '<ul class="nav navbar-nav">'; //opens the top-level menu
foreach ($navItems as $ni) {
if ($ni->hasSubmenu && $displaySubPages!='none' ) {   
   $b_arr['a_class']="dropdown-toggle drop_a_custom";
   if($ni->level ==1){

// Mika