JQuery Grid

Hello, it is the first post on this community from me. My company has implementation experience with JQuery grid. We are starting work on concreate5 and our first idea is prepare module (javasrcipt + php API) for easy used this great library. We are looking for right way to learn how build module for concrete5. APi not will be as a page we have interest built it as library which is able to use direct from php code. Thank you for any navigation

Anthony Gate

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
im i understand correctly, you want to make a package... take a look at existing packages in the MP
an224 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello, thank you for your interest. We will develop special block element with PHP API for encapsule JQGrid funcionality. We used asynchronly communication where special file has integrate include PHP OBJECTS which provide connection and JSON returning for JQGrid. I have installed concrete5 only o few hours:)

Anthony Gate
ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
I have no idea what is going on here but let's all go grab a baseball steak.
an224 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Scott. Do you know what JQuery Grid is?
If yes you know that Grid has no chree of cahrge PHP librari for more comfort using it.