JS pass of PHP()

In your concrete/js/ccm.search.js you pass/replace text strings into form values (on about line 200) which then get run within the href=javascript from where they were called (in this case, concrete/tools/files/properties.php (about line 100). This is using your ccm_activateEditablePropertiesGrid which uses the class as an id in the trow.find().

I would like to have it run a php function, such as $at->getAttributeKeyID() instead. It almost works, except it php errors on the fact that I'm passing a string literal of the php function and not the function itself. Is it possible to change/add some js syntax to solve this? See below, the sentence "PRINTS STRING" is where I'd like the actual php function of $at->getAttributeKeyID(). The concatenation operators are due to the php function located within an html string (see line 100 of the properties.php). Note: The string "update_build_date" works beautifully in that the $_POST gets it and processes it - that's why I think the process could work if the syntax for the php() call was correct: (BTW: This is <JS script..> NOT php - as I think you probably know.)
      trow.find('.ccm-attribute-editable-field-rfq-button').parent().click(function() {
         trow.find('form input[name=task]').val('update_rfq_date');
         trow.find('form input[name=fakID]').val('PRINTS STRING');
         return false;

I've tried replacing (' . PRINTS STRING .') with things like; ('" . $at->getAttributeKeyID() . "'), ('$at->getAttributeKeyID()'), (=$at->getAttributeKeyID())...etc.

If it's simply impossible I'd like to know it, so as to prevent further brain damage against the wall. (-:
