Keine Images mehr im Blog?


ich hoffe hier sind auch Deutsche vertreten? Ansonsten muss ich halt doch nochmal in Englisch fragen ^^.

ich habe nun mehrere Blogeinträge gemacht mit Bilder etc. Heute wollte ich wieder einen Eintrag machen, auch mit Bildern. Ich kann die Bilder im FileManager Hochladen und im Composer mittels "ADD Image" auch aufrufen. Ich mach vor dem Bild das Häkchen rein und danach funktioniert alles außer "Choose". Löschen geht, Herunterladen etc, aber das Einfügen in den Composer funktioniert nicht. Es passiert einfach nichts?! Gibts da ne Maximale Anzahl oder irgendwie so etwas?

mfg Sebastian

jmonroe replied on at Permalink Reply
Ich habe einen Test Blog-Post erstellt und ausgewählt melden Bild. Ich klickte dann das Kontrollkästchen neben jedem Bild, das ich verwenden wollte. Ich wählte 7 Bilder und wählte dann aus dem Dropdown-Feld auswählen. Ich habe dann rettete die Seite und alle 7 Bilder gearbeitet. Ich bin nicht sicher, warum wählen, ist nicht zur Verfügung. Ich würde versuchen, indem sie nacheinander. Vielleicht eines der Bilder nicht mehr vorhanden in der Datei-Manager.
Brender replied on at Permalink Reply
It doesn't works. I can't choose any Picture ore File. I can mark the Picture > download and delete. Choose doesn't work. Doesnt matter if i mark one ore more
jmonroe replied on at Permalink Reply
That is weird. There must be something up with the installation or a permission issue. Is this a new install? Which version of Concrete5 are you using?
Brender replied on at Permalink Reply
I have moved my Homepage to a other Server.

My Method:
Clear Cache
Save Database
Save all Files on Server
Install Concrete 5 on the new server
Override all files on the new server with my old files
Restore Database

thats it. Newest Version 5.5.1.
jmonroe replied on at Permalink Reply
It definitely sounds to me like a permissions issue since you moved it to another server. I would read up on some support topics regarding permissions and relocating servers. Look at the documentation for the new installation and check to make sure you have set those permissions as well.I think when you copied your old files onto the new server after installing concrete5 on the new server, I think the folder permissions overrode the needed permissions.

Lets check that and see what we can come up with.

Found this bit of info too you can try....
For some reason when I tried moving my original site's folder I had occasional problems so I did the clean install and just grabbed. Htaccess, config/site,php, and the packages directory with more success. Then I edited the site.php for the new settings and I was up and running. Now, though, I have found a couple of sites that has broken image links since they were stored somewhere else. I wont be changing hosts too often after this.
Brender replied on at Permalink Reply
to try what you said about the permissions issues, i gave the chmod 777 to every file.
unfortunately it still doesen't work.
Brender replied on at Permalink Reply
if i copy the link of the picture at the filemanager and put it by "insert/edit image" into the composer, it works!!!
jmonroe replied on at Permalink Reply
So that means that it does recognize that the image exists....just the Choose option is not available. Very strange issue. Have you tried upgrading your install to 5.6? It is the latest available and is working flawlessly for me so far.
Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you checked if the "File Location" adress is set correctly? I remember having similar issues after a server migration, but cannot remember how i've solved it (i think i set up completeley new...)
Brender replied on at Permalink Reply

i made the update but also this doesent work. After that i tried to install the programm new, i have a new problem, the installation doesent work lol!

Concrete 5 shows the misstake "Supports concrete5 request URLs" "concrete 5 cannot parse the Path_info or orig_path_info information provided by your server" at the "Testing Required Items".

i didnt change anyting at the server.

i also tried to add some rules to my .htaccess because i red this propose in this forum.

Options +Includes
SetOutputFilter INCLUDES
AcceptPathInfo On

...but im not joking... it doesent work!!!!
jmonroe replied on at Permalink Reply
Try editing the php.ini file on your server. If you are on a shared hosting account, you may need to ask them where to edit it at...but add this line to the php.ini/php5.ini file.

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED
jmonroe replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you get the problem fixed?