Language homepage at base url
I was wondering how to accomplish having the homepage of a specific language living at my site's base url ( instead of at the language abbreviaton slug ( Needless to say I have multiple languages - for other languages it's ok to have them at /it /nl etc. - and that I would like to keep using C5's functionality to automatically redirect to the correct language based on the visitors browser language.
Hope someone can help me with this :)
Thank you!
I was wondering how to accomplish having the homepage of a specific language living at my site's base url ( instead of at the language abbreviaton slug ( Needless to say I have multiple languages - for other languages it's ok to have them at /it /nl etc. - and that I would like to keep using C5's functionality to automatically redirect to the correct language based on the visitors browser language.
Hope someone can help me with this :)
Thank you!
So you want to change the default language of your main website landing page? So say its English now, you want it to default to something like Russian?
No, that's not quite it ;)
As far as I know, my website's main landing page doesn't have a language. It simply redirects to one of the language homepages, based on the visitor's browser language.
Please also see attached screenshots of the Multilingual setup and Sitemap structure. As you can see the English homepage now lives at /en. What I try to accomplish is having it live at the site's base url, (so at '/' instead of '/en'). Chinese and Japanese should continue living at /cn and /jp, but I would like to maintain the functionality of automatic redirection to one of these languages in case applicable for the visitor.
Thanks again :)
As far as I know, my website's main landing page doesn't have a language. It simply redirects to one of the language homepages, based on the visitor's browser language.
Please also see attached screenshots of the Multilingual setup and Sitemap structure. As you can see the English homepage now lives at /en. What I try to accomplish is having it live at the site's base url, (so at '/' instead of '/en'). Chinese and Japanese should continue living at /cn and /jp, but I would like to maintain the functionality of automatic redirection to one of these languages in case applicable for the visitor.
Thanks again :)
Ok gotcha, you want en to be the default. I don't have any experience with lanugages in c5. But I think you can accomplish what you're after with some kind of redirect or alias, either in .htaccess or the pages SEO settings. Do you have a URL I can check out?