language MENU problem - internationalization add-on
Try to use the ADD-ON internationalization on my site.
I want to have 2 languages : FR and ENG
I use this to tell concrete5 to use a BLOCK and include my superfish menu in it :
It seams that i'm not able to change the language of the menu after that.
If i change on the french version to point to the french version, the menu change on all the website.
Try to use the ADD-ON internationalization on my site.
I want to have 2 languages : FR and ENG
I use this to tell concrete5 to use a BLOCK and include my superfish menu in it :
<?php $a = new GlobalArea('Menu'); $a->display($c); ?>
It seams that i'm not able to change the language of the menu after that.
If i change on the french version to point to the french version, the menu change on all the website.