Launching new site but old site cached
I'm just about to launch a new concrete site and experiencing something I expect is not restricted to concrete ~
Users who have frequented the old website have the ld website stored in the browser cache. So when they visit the new site they will see the old site until they do a page refresh (or leave the homepage). What can be done hear … some sort of force refresh?
What do the big websites, who might frequently update do?
I'm just about to launch a new concrete site and experiencing something I expect is not restricted to concrete ~
Users who have frequented the old website have the ld website stored in the browser cache. So when they visit the new site they will see the old site until they do a page refresh (or leave the homepage). What can be done hear … some sort of force refresh?
What do the big websites, who might frequently update do?

You may want to try -
Thanks – I had considered that block, but now given it a try and though its a good block and works well the problem remains…
A user who's browser has cached the whole home-page will see the old home-page and therefore their browser has not even made contact with the new site, and so any instances of this block would not even be there until they refresh the page themselves.
I'm sure there must be some simple solution perhaps relating to htaccess but not advanced enough to work it out!
A user who's browser has cached the whole home-page will see the old home-page and therefore their browser has not even made contact with the new site, and so any instances of this block would not even be there until they refresh the page themselves.
I'm sure there must be some simple solution perhaps relating to htaccess but not advanced enough to work it out!