Leaving Existing Site up During Redesign? Is it Possible?

I currently have a site with the Rigid Light theme and want to switch to Edge (http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/themes/edge/) I know I'm going to have to pare down my site quite a bit and make it simpler to work with the new theme. Also, many of the pages are not compatible, and I'm okay with going in and basically re-buiding the site from scratch with the new theme.

Is there a way for me to do this, while leaving the existing site up? I'd like the existing site to remain until I have all the bugs worked out of the redesigned site, but I'm not sure how to go about building the redesigned site.

I host with Bluehost and they were absolutely no help at all.

Please use small words and stick figures if you like, because I'm pretty clueless about this. Thanks in advance for your help.

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi TMFranklinAuthor,

Take a look at this How-To.

The article explains how to install multiple versions of concrete5.

Because you most likely have your site in the root of your web space, that would mean moving things around.

Another option is developing your site locally using a web server.
Windows: WAMP or XAMPP


Both options might be a challenge if you have limited experience.

While you explore those options, I would wait for some more opinions. Someone might have a better solution.
TMFranklinAuthor replied on at Permalink Reply
I've read the post of the first link you mentioned, and I feel like I'm in way over my head. I've located the file manager on Bluehost, but I'm not understanding how/where to create this new folder. Under/in the public_html folder - is that the web root? Do I have to re-install Concrete5 in that folder then? How do I access it to edit it? I asked at Bluehost, but they were unable to help me at all.

I feel like I'm such an idiot. I usually can figure stuff out, but this is just so incredibly frustrating .
Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
When you look at public_html ... what is the next level of folders? Is it already the concrete5 structure, or is it something like:


Somewhere in your Panel there should be the possibility to point your domain to a folder on your webspace, which now points to either /public_html or /public_html/mysite

*replace 'mysite' with whatever name you chose on installation.

What the tutorial below asks you to do is:

Create another instance of concrete5 on your server (new installation) to edit the new version, you'll need to point a subdomain to the folder.

So, if your webroot is /public_html, you create for example a folder 'v2', so it goes /public_html/v2, now you install concrete5 into that folder and create a subdomain (for example 'v2') which points to that folder. So in the end you can call the new site from

http://v2.yoursite.com and install concrete5 and edit everything there. Your old site will still be active and viewable viahttp://yoursite.com

After you are done with building and editing, you just need to tell your Panel that the main domain (http://yoursite.com) should now point to folder /v2.

Thats how it theoretically goes - if the backend of your Panel/Hosting allows you to do so... I dont know :)
TMFranklinAuthor replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
This is a screencap of the folders below public_html... at the very bottom, you'll see one for tmfranklin - this is the site I want to change. (The public_html site is my main domain and tmfranklin is a subdomain.) The other image shows the folders under tmfranklin.

So, just let me make sure I'm understanding what you're suggesting:

1. I create another subdomain, install Concrete5 there and use the new theme to redesign the site
2. When I'm done and everything works, I go to Bluehost and figure out how to point the URL to the new site? Or do I rename the folder?