Lightbox not working with Simple gallery or Galleria gallery

I'm using both the Simple Gallery and Galleria gallery plugins. They both work great when I'm signed in, but when i log out and view the actual site there is no lightbox functionality. Just static images that open the image in a new window on click.

I searched the forums and found a few similar questions, but no answers.

Any ideas?

philrushworth replied on at Permalink Reply
I am a little sad that there is no reply to this. I am having exactly the same problem... I checked your site and it looks like your solution was to stop using those add-ins. Also a shame.

If anyone knows how to fix this please reply. The page where I am experiencing the issue is here:
and here:

Let me know if you need more information.

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
There is something strange happening on your site -- Concrete5 is not including the jQuery library for some reason. Have you made any modifications to your site that might affect this somehow? Anything out of the ordinary you've done recently -- moved or reinstalled the site, upgraded it, hacked core files, etc.?
afandino replied on at Permalink Reply
like mentioned already. Jquery is not loading. Should be included in the header section of your site.
macedo123 replied on at Permalink Reply

For Gallery Images to show to public (non logged users) the File Manager permission for group GUESTS must have "View Site Files" permission set to "YES". Go to Dashboard/Systems & Settings/Permission & Access/File Manager Permission to change that...

Cheers, Luis