Limit search result using Search Block

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Hey I just want to know how can I limit the number of results per page on Search block.

I would like to limit my result to 10 or any other number per page.

I keep on following the code but I cant find the limit on queries.

Is there an easier way to do this.


jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
The search block paginates to 20 results-per-page. To change this, copy this file:
SITEROOT/concrete/blocks/search/controller.php here:

(you'll probably need to create the /blocks/search/ directory first).

Now edit that new copy of the file and find this line of code (it's down near the bottom):
$res = $ipl->getPage();

...and directly ABOVE that line add this new line of code:

You can change that number 10 to whatever you want.