Link Issue - Nav Bar
Hi there,
I have built a theme, but used the 'auto-nav' block as built in by concrete. I am trying to style this myself using css, however nothing I do is working. I can style the links for the whole site and this seems to override everything and works well, however this changes the colour of the links of even the concrete toolbar at the top and in the option boxes when creating blocks, which I dont want. ANy one any ideas on how to overide the set styling as set as the autonav default?
I have tried using developer to inspect the nav area and see what class and div names are used but even using these is not working for me. Been at this for hours, which for setting link colours is absolutely crazy!!
I have built a theme, but used the 'auto-nav' block as built in by concrete. I am trying to style this myself using css, however nothing I do is working. I can style the links for the whole site and this seems to override everything and works well, however this changes the colour of the links of even the concrete toolbar at the top and in the option boxes when creating blocks, which I dont want. ANy one any ideas on how to overide the set styling as set as the autonav default?
I have tried using developer to inspect the nav area and see what class and div names are used but even using these is not working for me. Been at this for hours, which for setting link colours is absolutely crazy!!
Not sure if this will help, but what I would do is create a custom block template for your autonav. Some documentation on how to do that here:
Basically you create a folder called "autonav" in your site_root/blocks folder, and then create a folder called "templates" in the "autonav" folder you created. Then within the "templates" folder create a new folder with the name of your template, which can be whatever you want (no spaces and only underscores in the name). Then just go into the concrete/blocks/autonav folder, copy the view.php and view.css files, and paste them in your new template folder (you may need to make a view.css if there isn't one in the core autonav folder)
So, the end result will look like:
site_root/blocks/autonav/templates/your_template/view.php & view.css
You can create your custom css in the view.css file in your template folder, then on your site, you can click on your autnoav block, click on "Custom Templates", and you should see your new template in the dropdown.