Location of 'page types'

Dear all,
Where are the 'page types' I create in the dashboard located in my installation folder? I'm starting to see the beauty of combining a custom theme with the power of page types, but now I'm stuck.

I want to edit a block in my 'full' page type (change some hyperlinked text in a hyperlinked picture). I expect the .php file to be in 'installation_folder/concrete/concrete/page_types/', but in that directory is only 'blog_entry.php' and not 'full.php'...

Any ideas? I'm new to php and concrete5 so please guide me.

TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
Don't touch anything! in the concrete folder, everything thing in there is for the core, if you do copy it into your root.

If you are going to have page types added they would be in your root, page_types folder.

If you have added them via a custom theme then have a look in

if you have installed your own theme from a package then the directory should be
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
btw in the next version of c5 there will be a page types folder in root/page_types and things in root/blah (not root/concrete/blah) you can edit.
bodicare replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, thanks for your quick reply.
There's no root/page_types folder in my installation... Maybe there's a workaround, please help me with this:

I want certain blocks (in the header and nav section) to appear on every page of my website. Is it possible to add them directly to my 'default.php' in 'root/themes'? In that way the blocks would appear on every page, since it's part of the theme...

So my question now is, where can I find the php code for blocks I want to put in my theme? For example: I want the 'cart' block from my ecommerce add-on in the header of my page, but I want to edit the content of the block (replace some text with an image). How can I accomplish this?
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
there shouldn't be in this version of c5- its in the beta version.
For the global content I'd create a scrapbook and then call that in default.php