Log Type: debug Invalid payment. Requested £ 120, got £12.00
I had an order on my ecommerce site which didnt go through. I have checked the logs and they show a debug log type:
Invalid payment. Requested £ 120, got £12.00
Does anyone know what this means? I obviously understand the order was £120 but the payment gateway only took £12, but i wondered what causes this? Im trying to find out if its C5 related or payment gateway.
many thanks
I had an order on my ecommerce site which didnt go through. I have checked the logs and they show a debug log type:
Invalid payment. Requested £ 120, got £12.00
Does anyone know what this means? I obviously understand the order was £120 but the payment gateway only took £12, but i wondered what causes this? Im trying to find out if its C5 related or payment gateway.
many thanks