Long time to first byte


I'm experiencing a very long time to first byte. I have several sites on the same host, and all other sites (not using concrete5) are very fast, so I expect it is the content creation that takes time.

Would appricate if someone could have a look and see if I'm doing something wrong. (Page is in swedish)


ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Your total page size is 1.3MB which is okay.
Take a look at the gtmetrics analysys here..
It looks like a slow server problem...
erkenfelt replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! I have contacted the service provider.
erkenfelt replied on at Permalink Reply
I have now turned on all caching options. I have also moved bootstrap to CDN, added expire headers to htaccess file and compressed some jpeg-files. I get greater score at gtmetrix, but each page navigation still takes 5-10 seconds. I have contacted my service provider, since this seems to be the last resort.

erkenfelt replied on at Permalink Reply
It really was a server problem. City network fixed it, and now it runs at a more expected speed. No super speed, but definitely a big improvement.
typoman76 replied on at Permalink Reply

That sounds like you didn't turn on caching in concrete5.

Here is the documentation for version 7 or higher:

Check this out. Hope it helps.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
The initial request to the server is only 5kb yet the server takes 6.2 seconds to respond!
typoman76 replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes. True. But the server needs a lot of time to prepare the first answer.
So one possible thing what might happen: parsing/preparing the less files from the theme because caching is turned off. On a shared hosting plan, this can take that amount of time.
erkenfelt replied on at Permalink Reply
I have previously turned on all caching but did not notice any real change. It actually even felt a bit slower?
typoman76 replied on at Permalink Reply
After turning the cache on. The first call is slow - the cache has to be built up. Then it's faster.
I clicked trough your pages an its now faster?

But if that not helps. Check it with your hosting provider, like weyboat proposed.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Its now faster for you because your browser has cached the pages.
What is required is for someone who has never visited the site (no cached pages in browser) to be able to load the site pages within an acceptable time period.
Here is the test for one of my sites that has no caches turn on at all.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Could be worth reading this review..
erkenfelt replied on at Permalink Reply

I got a reply from city network that they are looking at the problem. Suggested that they moved my site to their new and improved storage. Hope it helps.

Thanks again for all the help,
