Looking for better custom block tutorial

I am trying to make my first block that has an image, title, link and text. I used the basic example and tried using the image block but not getting very far.

I did some google searching and couldn't find any decent tutorials on creating more complex blocks. Can any one recommend any?


12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
where are you getting stuck?
gunkdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm getting stuck at the image part in the controller there seems to
be methods I need to add to the controller and also the view file.

I tried copying the image block but it threw up some errors.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
You might want to try downloading "Designer Content" (http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/designer-content... ), which is a code generator for simple blocks -- if you create a block with just 1 image field in it, you could use that to examine the code and see how it works (you'll just want to ignore all of the stuff in the block's controller.php file below the "//CONTENT BLOCK UTILITY FUNCTIONS:" line, as it is irrelevant to images).

I wish there were a full-on tutorial for building blocks available online, but I think the only thing that exists right now is this book:

And definitely make use of the forums -- people here are pretty friendly, and if you ask specific questions that show you're making an effort to try to learn it yourself, I don't think you'll have any trouble getting helpful responses. If you do for some reason feel free to PM me or email me (concrete@jordanlev.com). 12345J would probably be happy to help as well but I don't want to volunteer him for anything :)