Looking for features like Drupal custom fields and views


I'm a fairly recent convert to c5, and have a little experience working with drupal. I'm looking for the c5 equivalent of a couple of features that drupal had and am having no luck finding them.

Mainly, does c5 have the ability to create custom fields of data for a page? (in drupal we would call it a node, and create a unique content type, then create and edit the extra field(s) for it.)

and then,

How would I view that information on a single page, pulling from multiple pages. I see page list here, but it looks like it only pulls the info form the meta data.

I'm not really asking for a in depth tut here, just a nudge in the right direction to find the info on my own.


RodeoCity replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, i just found the advanced data and data display add-ons. Looks like this is what I was looking for. Pricey for what seems to me to be core type functionality for a data driven site builder.
thephilm replied on at Permalink Reply
I was in the same shoes as you a year or two ago. I was so used to how Drupal did things, that I was looking to duplicate that method. The plugin you found is as close as Concrete5 will have to a views/cck etc.

However, I've found that the community tends to build out using "attributes".
Imagine you were wanting to create a real estate website. You simply create attributes like address, price, images etc.
That's one way.

We have an amazing addon called Designer Content. http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/designer-content/...
It's free...
It basically lets you build custom blocks. So if you were to do the listing like I exampled above, you would go into the Designer and simply add all the fields you expect you would need. It will then create you a block. You can go in and edit the files to tweak the look etc, but it basically does what cck/views would do.

- Phil
RodeoCity replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Phil,

That's helpful info. I read in the documentation, that attributes are not meant for front-end users, but it looks like we can use it as such.

Designer add-on looks quite useful, even if not for this application I'll be sure to try it out.

A lot to learn. Thanks again,

mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
Concrete5 is pretty Page based so a lot times it is quickest to make your objects "Pages". Like a real estate listing could be a page and you would add attributes to the Page object.

Then you could create blocks that pulled particular pages and displayed and/or simply display the Page object as a page.
RodeoCity replied on at Permalink Reply
Is the "object" you refer to a specific c5 term? or are you refering to an "item" as in a catalog entry.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
As @mkly has stated, Concrete5 is focused on pages (as opposed to Drupal which is focused on "data"). This is a very fundamental difference between the two systems, and in my opinion is what makes C5 better for sites that are "designy" in nature.

Basically, the Page is roughly equivalent to Drupal nodes, and the Page List block is roughly equivalent to Drupal Views. You can add arbitrary data to pages using custom attributes (kinda-sorta like CCK in Drupal). The combination of page types, page list custom templates, and custom attributes (along with treating the sitemap structure as a way of categorizing things) is the "Concrete5 way".

Here are some things I've written about this topic which explains it in more detail: