Lost background image

Hi I have just loaded up a site in test mode but the background image is lost. The background is called through the CSS as so:
html, body {
   margin: 0;
   font-family: 'Quattrocento Sans', sans-serif;
   font-size: 1em;
   line-height: 120%;
   color: #444;
   font-weight: 400;
   background: #F5EFE4 url(../images/background1024.png) left top repeat-x;

While it picks up the colour (Yes I'm British/Scottish) it does not produce the image. Any ideas?

davidinottawa replied on at Permalink Reply
Difficult to troubleshoot without seeing the website.

The mark up is correct, so I'm guessing your path to the png is wrong.
Replace it with explicit URL :
sutwald replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for that. It now works great.