Lost connection to server: lost loader.php file
For apparently no reason about 2 weeks ago one of my Concrete5 sites stopped loading. I use HostMonster and their support tech tried a few things including restoring a backup as far back as they had copies (10/20). They told me to look at the error log which had many instances of the following line:
[11-Nov-2012 19:57:10] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Concrete5_Library_Loader' not found in /home1/vertigyc/public_html/concrete/libraries/loader.php on line 3
website address ishttp://www.VertigyConsulting.com
I have 2 other sites that work just fine
Any help is greatly appreciated
[11-Nov-2012 19:57:10] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Concrete5_Library_Loader' not found in /home1/vertigyc/public_html/concrete/libraries/loader.php on line 3
website address ishttp://www.VertigyConsulting.com
I have 2 other sites that work just fine
Any help is greatly appreciated
If that file is missing or someone has messed with it, the first thing I would try is to grab "loader.php" from the archive that matches your version (from concrete5.org) and upload it to '[root]/concrete/core/libraries'.
Just to be clear... In version 5.6 there are 2 copies of 'loader.php'. One is a small file located at '[root]/concrete/libraries' and a larger file located at '[root]concrete/core/libraries'. From the error message, I assume C5 is having trouble with the latter file.