Lost Homepage: how re-incorporate stacks?

I imported a theme into my Homepage, didn;t like it and in deleteing it lost the original Homepage that gives editing access to the Sitewide Sitemname stack and to the Sitewide autonav.

The system is providing only a simple page with no Sitewide facilities.

There appear to be two Sitename facilities: one accessed from the "Systems" facility at the bottom of the very Sitemap (which is now on my new simp[le Homepage, and the original sitewide sitename stack that still comes up via the autonav that's still there on my other pages of my web.

How can I incorporate the Sitewise sitename stack into the new, simple Homepage?

My web is athttp://www.beepg.eu. I woudl eb very grateful for help.

Both of these still exist, but I cannot find how to incorporate them into the new. simple Homepage that only

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what page type and theme is showing in the design for the Home at the top of your sitemap ?