Maintaining live site while building new site on different hosting provider

I built my first Concrete5 website on an IIS 7.0 platform. I am changing hosting providers and moving to a Linux platform.

I am going to rebuild my site on Linux from a fresh install.

While I rebuild my site on my new hosting provider, I am going to keep my current site live. I have my new site on a different domain name until it is finished. This domain name is not being used for another site either.

My question is: "How can I hide my replacement site for the search engines until it is finished, and I am ready to transfer my domain to my new site/hosting provider?"

Have recommendations would be appreciated!

INTcommunications replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi there are several ways to stop search engines from indexing. add a robots.txt file to the root of your site and put a line in
User-Agent: * Disallow: /

this tells all bots that read robots.txt files not to index anything in the root.

You can also use a meta tag in your pages <meta name="robots" content="noindex" />

if they have already indexed your pages you might need to put a permanent redirect on the old pages to the new ones for a while
From the mouth of Google -

other reference
SteadyIT replied on at Permalink Reply

Thanks for the response.

I think I will go ahead and add a meta tag to each page.
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />

I am assuming that I could use the SEO & STATISTICS >> Tracking codes section to add this automatically. Then of course automatically remove it from everypage once my site was finished.

Or maybe the best way would be to use the robot.txt file and then adjust it accordingly when the new build is finished.

Either way thanks for the answer!
Droid replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the help. Even I am starting with a new website and didn't want search engine to index it.
JRick replied on at Permalink Reply

I was wondering if you (or someone else)could maybe point me in the right direction, so here is what I have got.

I work for a non-profit and their old site (a .org) was built using MS Front Page and they asked me to rebuild it. So, like you, I rebuilt the site using a new domain (.info) while keeping the old site live until completion.

So now I have completed building on the .info on the new hosting account (and registrar) and I want the old .org to reflect the new .info site but do not want to just do a forward to the .info(keeping it so when people type in the .org it displays the content of the .info).

I will eventually transfer the .org to the new hosting provider which uses a different registrar as well, but I wanted to get the new site live first.

Do you know the best practice to make this change happen?
SteadyIT replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry for the late reply.

The only way I could think of doing this is to launch the new site then point the old address to the new site.

Unfortunately I do not know how you would maintain both the new and the old sites live with the same content.
JRick replied on at Permalink Reply
No problem. I actually figured it out.

I built the new site on a .info and when that was done did the following:
1). I added the line of code
define('BASE_URL', '');
to the site.php file of the .info site.
2). I then had the old hosting company change the DNS settings of the .org site to reflect the DNS of the .info.
3) After that was done I added the .org as a parked domain to my .info's control panel.

All seems to be working fine now.
SteadyIT replied on at Permalink Reply
Great. Thanks for the follow-up and outlining how you resolved it.

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