Maintenance mode will not go away.
I can't seem to make the Maintenance mode go away for the site I am working on. I first tried to turn it off in the dashboard. That didn't work. I went directly into the database and set SITE_MAINTENANCE_MODE to zero. That didn't fix it. I made sure that the dispatcher's /startup/maintenance_mode_check.php was getting a zero back from the database and it was. I then commented out the entire require($cdir . '/startup/maintenance_mode_check.php') in the dispatcher and I still get the maintenance mode display when I am logged out of the site. I have cleared everything out of the /files/cache directory and even cleared my browser's cache.
I know that this is one of those stupid 'gotchas' that crop up now 'n then but I can't think of anything else that would lock me into maintenance mode.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I know that this is one of those stupid 'gotchas' that crop up now 'n then but I can't think of anything else that would lock me into maintenance mode.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks for your response.
I looked at the thread that you suggested and it looks like people have had variations of this same problem. Some were not able to log on at all and some didn't have access to the dashboard once they were logged on.
I have no problem logging on with and once logged in, I get the dashboard header and full access to the site. When I am not logged in, all I get is the Maintenance mode message.
I re-named "SITE_MAINTENANCE_MODE" to "SAVE_SITE_MAINTENANCE_MODE". This should be the same as removing it from the config table. I then made sure that all caches were clear. I then tried accessing my site again and it is still the same, not fixed.
Remo commented on the other thread, "why do problems like that never occur with any of my sites... hmm". He needs to remember that he is one of the few that understands the whole C5 coding in a nutshell and the rest of us have to deal with these stupid 'gotchas' and learn from them as we go. Never the less, We do, at least I do, appreciate all the expertise, in site, and guidance that he has offered in these forums.
I looked at the thread that you suggested and it looks like people have had variations of this same problem. Some were not able to log on at all and some didn't have access to the dashboard once they were logged on.
I have no problem logging on with and once logged in, I get the dashboard header and full access to the site. When I am not logged in, all I get is the Maintenance mode message.
I re-named "SITE_MAINTENANCE_MODE" to "SAVE_SITE_MAINTENANCE_MODE". This should be the same as removing it from the config table. I then made sure that all caches were clear. I then tried accessing my site again and it is still the same, not fixed.
Remo commented on the other thread, "why do problems like that never occur with any of my sites... hmm". He needs to remember that he is one of the few that understands the whole C5 coding in a nutshell and the rest of us have to deal with these stupid 'gotchas' and learn from them as we go. Never the less, We do, at least I do, appreciate all the expertise, in site, and guidance that he has offered in these forums.
Remember where you are cautioned about enabling the maintence editor?
"NOTE: You should not use the built in Concrete5 maintenance mode when using this."
This needs to be changed to "NOTE: You CANNOT use the built in Concrete5 maintenance mode when using this."
This will lock you out of putting your site back on line!
Interesting thing though; When I got out of mintenance mode, I have no styling to my pages. When I log in, I have full styling. This is another issue though that I have to deal with and am not ready to take it to the forums yet. I believe that it has to do with moving my site's theme from concrete/theme/default to the root file path.
This last issue was cleared by de-activating and then re-activating my theme in the dashboard.
Remember where you are cautioned about enabling the maintence editor?
"NOTE: You should not use the built in Concrete5 maintenance mode when using this."
This needs to be changed to "NOTE: You CANNOT use the built in Concrete5 maintenance mode when using this."
This will lock you out of putting your site back on line!
Interesting thing though; When I got out of mintenance mode, I have no styling to my pages. When I log in, I have full styling. This is another issue though that I have to deal with and am not ready to take it to the forums yet. I believe that it has to do with moving my site's theme from concrete/theme/default to the root file path.
This last issue was cleared by de-activating and then re-activating my theme in the dashboard.
One suggestion there was in the database delete the setting SITE_MAINTENANCE_MODE. Setting to 0 should be the same but maybe try it.
Others suggested going to helped them get back in? Are you not able to login right now on the site?