Making a customized installation of Concrete5
Hi. I'm going to build a cms, based on concrete5 for my clients. So, i need a little help with single pages.
So, i followed the instaructions here on the concrete5 website, about creating single pages. So, i tested i out on an installation on my webserver. It worked. but... how do you get the little text below the button? Like Pages and Themes, it says Re-skin your wite (or something). The next thing i would like to know is, can I put single pages to automaticly be installed into the concrete folder? Like, when i install it, it will be there in the dashboard.
So, i followed the instaructions here on the concrete5 website, about creating single pages. So, i tested i out on an installation on my webserver. It worked. but... how do you get the little text below the button? Like Pages and Themes, it says Re-skin your wite (or something). The next thing i would like to know is, can I put single pages to automaticly be installed into the concrete folder? Like, when i install it, it will be there in the dashboard.
A very good example can be found on your concrete folder at
here is how you add a single page and it's description from within the installation;
here is how you add a single page and it's description from within the installation;
$d1=SinglePage::add('mypage'); $d1->update(array('cName'=>t('Page Name'), 'cDescription'=>t('Your page description.')));
Thanks. I'll test it out! Cheers!