Making the avatar upload more accessible
I'm trrying to make the avatar upload more accessible by adding a tabindex to the 'okay' / 'cancel' buttons.
I think I've found the bit in the avatar.bundle.js that needs changing but I'm not quite sure how to do it.
I'd really appreciate any help.
I'm trrying to make the avatar upload more accessible by adding a tabindex to the 'okay' / 'cancel' buttons.
I think I've found the bit in the avatar.bundle.js that needs changing but I'm not quite sure how to do it.
[n("a",{staticClass:"ccm-avatar-okay",style:{width:e.width/2+"px"},on:{click:e.handleOkay}}),e._v(" "),n("a",{staticClass:"ccm-avatar-cancel",style:{width:e.width/2+"px"},on:{click:e.handleCancel}})]
I'd really appreciate any help.