Manually Adding Blog
I referred to the following article to manually setup a blog on my website since I'd rather start as clean as possible and only add what I need as opposed to shaving off an extraneous amount of data. Apparently that means sacrificing a blog configuration for some unknown reason.
It appears that the documentation doesn't include the addition of the actual content. I have a breadcrumb, navigation, comments, and archive and opted out for a tag cloud but um, I have no place to actually BLOG. When I select to add the page I can add these variables but I'm totally lost when it comes to getting down to content creation.
I must say, concrete5 really missed the boat on one of the most common, if not THE most common, form of publishing these days. What a long, drawn out process just to add what should be such simple functionality. I come from an Exponent CMS background where this entire concept was just a no-brainer.
Soo.. what am I missing? I've went through the steps several times and am getting nowhere.
An example of what I'm seeing in EDIT mode is attached.
It appears that the documentation doesn't include the addition of the actual content. I have a breadcrumb, navigation, comments, and archive and opted out for a tag cloud but um, I have no place to actually BLOG. When I select to add the page I can add these variables but I'm totally lost when it comes to getting down to content creation.
I must say, concrete5 really missed the boat on one of the most common, if not THE most common, form of publishing these days. What a long, drawn out process just to add what should be such simple functionality. I come from an Exponent CMS background where this entire concept was just a no-brainer.
Soo.. what am I missing? I've went through the steps several times and am getting nowhere.
An example of what I'm seeing in EDIT mode is attached.

add content in the main area- its a front end blog.
Excellent, thanks for the quick reply! Not really straighforward but I can live with that in light of the concrete5 positives--which are numerous. =)
In Exponent I could just select a "New" blog link at the bottom of every post and it would open up a new entry and add it to the timeline. Is there an add-on that can create this sort of functionality?
not by default, but check out
these addons will be more like a traditional blog and less of an in context editor.
these addons will be more like a traditional blog and less of an in context editor.
ProBlog as a front end "add post" button. And it's MUCH simpler than what you are currently doing.
Hey Chad,
I've just started using concrete5 and haven't purchased any addons yet so I don't know if this question will apply to all or specifically to ProBlog, but I'm current going through a domain name change. If I buy it now and play around with it will any licensing be obsolete once the new domain name goes into full effect? Also, will it last through "reinstalls"? (I've reinstalled twice now just to play around and try different approaches.)
If not, I'll just wait until the name change process is complete.
I've just started using concrete5 and haven't purchased any addons yet so I don't know if this question will apply to all or specifically to ProBlog, but I'm current going through a domain name change. If I buy it now and play around with it will any licensing be obsolete once the new domain name goes into full effect? Also, will it last through "reinstalls"? (I've reinstalled twice now just to play around and try different approaches.)
If not, I'll just wait until the name change process is complete.
Swapping licenses is really easy. You have a "license" area in your profile here. you can release any license, and re-associate to a new site. The license agreement is a "per site" license...but moving one license around legitimately is totally fine.