Mass change?

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I have a footer at the bottom of all my pages which I have block for my client to make changes.

Is there a way when you change the text on one footer it will change them all across all pages? Like an include file?

Or do they have to copy and past into each page manually?


bcarone replied on at Permalink Reply
Change it in your footer.php file in the elements folder or wherever it is.

That will do it across your site.
senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks I will take a look at that. Cheers
senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
that did not work. Made the footer an include file on two pages. The footer has a block within it.

When I change the text on the footer within the homepage and save it, it does not automatically change the footer in the about page. It still treats it as two different footers?!?

If I change the footer manually in dreamweaver then fine it works across the site but when logging in using the Concrete edit it does not work.

Any other ideas?
bcarone replied on at Permalink Reply
you could make your footer.php blank and then set an HTML block for your footer if you want the client to change it often.

Just a thought
senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
thats what I did. I have a html block on the footer but when you add/change text it only does it to the page you are on and not cross the whole site.

My client would not have a clue on how to open the footer.php itself and make the changes. This is why people use CMS systems to help the less tech minded.

It would be nice to have something like using a block ID called 'footertext' so something like:

$a = new Area('footertext');

but everywhere the above code is placed it will automatically fill in with the content that is associated with it. Then when you sign in, edit anything within 'footertext' it will automatically change update all the affected pages.

If there is a way of doing this just now then great.

I have used a system called TourCMS before which is aimed at tour operators. That system does it across all pages but writes all the affected pages onto the server using ftp.

if not then I will not allow the client to edit the footer but wit would be nice for them to be able to.

Thanks again!
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
The new scrapbook stuff that was released with 5.3 might be able to do what you want. Go to the global scrapbook within your dashboard, create a block, and rename it to "Standard Footer". Then add this php to your footer file.

$standardFooterBlock = Block::getByName('Standard Footer');
$bv = new BlockView();
$bv->render($standardFooterBlock );
senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks that brings in the same content across the pages but when you click edit the block is not editable.

My client will not have access to the dashboard so I don't know if this is possible.
senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
I decided I will let the client into the dashboard so thsi works great.

Thanks for the help. Your a star!
Wertti replied on at Permalink Reply
$global_footer = Page::getByID(1, "ACTIVE"); 
$ah = new Area('footertext');

Then make changes to your homepage. This works for us.
senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
That code worked Wertti! Only problem I see with it though is when you add in content it does not show the content on the site until you publish your changes. This makes it harder to approve/preview changes before going live.

If there is a way around this then great!

Thanks to all for the help so far!
Wertti replied on at Permalink Reply
We have same problem and could't find a solution for that. It's really annoying.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
keep in mind, you have to be the actual admin account to get into defaults. This is by design for permission issues.

What you might consider doing is make your site wide blocks in the global scrapbook (in dashboard) and then stick them in defaults as admin. You can then give your client access to the global scrapbook without access to defaults for the whole site.
senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. I have them in the global scrapbook but how do you make it accessible for my client?

Sorry fist time using concrete and just about there with it all apart from a couple of areas.

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks but I don't see where you can make the global scrapbook available to my client without going into the dashboard.

Probably not possible?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
yes, in the dashboard, but you can grant access to a specific account or group to it by going to the sitemap, turning on single pages in the lower right, and editing the permissions..

to use defaults under page types, you MUST be logged in as Admin.