Massive problems with logging in and editing

I am running version of concrete5 on a server with the following environment information:

# concrete5 Version
# concrete5 Packages
Automatic Email Obfuscator (1.2.3).
# concrete5 Overrides
blocks/page_list, languages/fi_FI, themes/mytheme
# Server Software
# Server API
# PHP Version
# PHP Extensions
bcmath, calendar, cgi-fcgi, Core, ctype, curl, date, dom, ereg, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, imap, intl, ionCube Loader, json, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, mysql, mysqli, openssl, pcre, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, Phar, posix, Reflection, session, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, SourceGuardian, SPL, SQLite, sqlite3, standard, suhosin, timezonedb, tokenizer, XCache, XCache Cacher, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, Zend Guard Loader, zip, zlib.
# PHP Settings

The problem is that users cannot login with Internet Explorer and there are also problems editing the site.

When trying to login with Internet Explorer, the login page just refreshes but does not login the user. There is no error message.

I can login if I tick the checkbox where users stay logged in. But when doing this with an admin user, the edit bar does not appear, it flashes quickly and then disappears.

I have both the header and footer codes in place for concrete5.

I have tried to disable the custom login page, upgrade c5 and also clear and disable the caches but the problem persists.

I can login fine with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Hypocrite replied on at Permalink Reply
I just tried to disable pretty URL's with the following htaccess:
# -- concrete5 urls start --
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
RewriteRule . index.php [L]
# -- concrete5 urls end --

From the quick test, this seems to fix the problem but need to test more.

Any idea what could cause this?
Hypocrite replied on at Permalink Reply
One more piece of information.

It seems that the problem might be with the logout function.

When I open a fresh browser and login, it works fine.

But if I logout from that link and then try to login again, the login page just refreshes.

If I restart the browser, I can login again.
Hypocrite replied on at Permalink Reply
I think I found the problem.

In my original theme I had the following logout link:
echo '<a href="">Kirjaudu ulos</a>';

I changed this to:
<a href="<?php echo $this->url('/login','logout'); ?>">Kirjaudu ulos</a>

And this seems to fix the problem.

The problem seems to have been that the login works first time, but when logging off from the link, the login does not work anymore.
lawlerfa replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the same problems. This has happened before on earlier versions of Concrete5, but it has either fixed itself with subsequent updates or by changing the version of php running on my hosting machine. Since I have the newest version of concrete5, I can't do the former, and I've tried multiple combinations of the latter to no avail.

Basically, all logins are effectively ignored in IE, but work perfectly well in Chrome.

Any ideas?
lawlerfa replied on at Permalink Reply
Additional information:

Internet Explorer works if I use https://, but not regular http://