Max File Size Error - File Manager NOT MySQL

Hi Gang

I am creating a site for a friend of mine and it will have picture sets and video's. Pic uploads, no problem. Video's - HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM.

After adjusting the php.ini file to 1000mb and increased the timeouts, I am still getting a max upload error. It appears as though its with Concrete5.

Attached is a screen shot.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Bill

1 Attachment

bcarone replied on at Permalink Reply
It appears I WAS IN ERROR. Sorry guys.

Didn't even think it would be a .htaccess thing. IF you have this problem, add this line to your .htaccess file after increasing your file limitations in your php.ini file.

suphp_configpath /home/your/path/public_html/php.ini

Sorry again.
johnpaulb replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks bcarone,

In addition to what you shared:
Adding that line makes the php.ini recursive, meaning it affects all the folders within your account.

If you just want to change the PHP settings for a specific folder and it's child folders, instead of the whole account: Copy the php.ini file to that folder, and adjust the settings as needed. Do not modify the .htaccess file.

Here's a helpful article on modifying your PHP settings:

I hope this helps,